Friday, March 6, 2009

Rough Adjustments

I'm getting over an ear injury today. Yesterday we visited a lower economic class neighborhood to do some community service. We picked up trash and helped plant flowers. Once we were done some of the youths in the area took us on a hike to a waterfall for swimming. The waterfall was amazing. Swimming was really fun. I climbed to the top with our guides and my friends Austin and Brian to check out another waterfall. This one was much taller and really cool. In order to get down though, we had to jump off a ledge into the collecting pool. I pushed myself off as far as I could so that I wouldn't hit any of the rocks and ended up hitting the water ear first. When I came to the surface all I heard was a high pitched beep. I saw Brian swimming towards me mouthing the words "Are you OK?" It was intense. I think my ear filled with water really quickly and got bruised. I put some swimmers' ear drops in it, which seem to be helping it. If it still feels weird tomorrow, I think I'm going to find a doctor.

Beyond my ear, things are going well. We're spending some time in Suva today, which will be fun. The hostel we've been staying at has been experiencing water shortages, which is rough. I'll definitely be ready to move in with my host family on Monday. I found out some details about them. I have three teenage brothers. (story of my life) Two of them are at boarding school though, and will only be around on weekends. My other brother is 13. My host-dad works for the UN and is in Georgia right now. I'm not sure how much I'll see him. Apparently my host-mom is really nice. I'm getting pretty excited about it.

Other things that take some getting used to:
1. Taking my time. Everything from restaurant service to Kava Ceremonies is really laid back. No one is in a hurry to do anything.
2. Crossing the street. Cars drive on the opposite side of the road here, so looking both ways is taking on a whole new meaning. I almost got hit by a bus the other day because I checked the wrong way for traffic.
3. My new diet. Curry. Nuff said.
4. Navigating public transportation in a large city. I'm getting really comfortable with being lost.
5. No Disc. Anywhere. I miss ultimate, but I'm coping. Who's up for rugby?

1 comment:

  1. Allison do not get hit by a bus or anything else. I would like to have my drinking buddy next year. Sounds like you are having some fun and how did you forget a disc. I would think that would be an essential piece of luggage haha.
