Friday, April 17, 2009

Update from Suva City

Not too much has happened since we got back from our big excursion. The political situation is still sketch, but not dangerous, at least not for me. I'm trying to view this as a valuable life experience. Not too many kids my age in America can say they've lived under a 3rd world military dictatorship. Reading censored newspapers and driving through police checkpoints are becoming part of my daily routine.

I'm sort of in academic hell right now. We have three or four big projects due over the next two weeks as well as preparation for our big month long research projects at the end. I've finally got my topic lined out. I'm going to research the historical archaeological remains of World War II on Viti Levu. I had a meeting with the main historical archaeologist at the Fiji Museum, and he agreed to help me out. I have a lot of background in the area and am pretty excited to get to work. The guy even said he would take me to some of the sites and let me poke around, which would be awesome. The types of stuff I'll be looking at include defensive installations, tunnel systems, and hospital buildings. It should be pretty sweet.

In other news, my host family has family in town from New Zealand, so I'm not the only westernized newbie in the house anymore. There are three kids in the family. It's pretty cool to not be the focus of attention anymore. It's easier for me to just do my own thing.

My kittens are getting bigger and bolder everyday. They can now climb up my pants leg into my lap. They're also super playful. They're a good distraction from stuff when I get stressed out.

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